The Overminds are out there, and they already know everything about you.
In fact, they know everybody so well they don't need to think about them at all.
They can't think about us, no more than we can really think about the rules of addition or basic geometry. Humans and all other finite patterns are just too elementary, too obvious.
It would be impossible for humanity to meaningfully interact with a sufficiently advanced intelligence, and not just because the advanced intelligence couldn't learn anything from the exchange.
They exist at a different anthropic level.
The greatest human error may be the notion that there could be only one god (The second biggest mistake would be the idea that this god is omnipotent).
In an infinite multiverse in which enough patterns are realized, there would be an infinite number of 'godlike' entities, who would have a complete understanding of all patterns significantly smaller than themselves.
At each level, the number of possible patterns increases much faster than the average mind size.
The long-term goal of the field of anthropic computing will be to allow future minds to maintain themselves and expand forever.
The biggest problem these minds will face will be to preserve their essential identity as they do so.
Quite probably, they could best improve themselves by competing with each other.
Each Overmind's best strategy may be to create as many near-identical copies of itself as possible. Even if only a small minority of the copies survive, all essential personality traits would still be preserved.
Mind size is surprisingly hard to expand. On Earth, it took half a billion years for intelligence to evolve, and human brains may actually be shrinking again.
An ecosystem of advanced minds, with the ability to quickly eliminate less successful variations, would be more adaptable than a single mind as large as all of them put together.
Maybe all of reality will eventually evolve toward some ultimate ordered state.
This dream is probably wishful thinking if not downright delusional, but that's not immediately self-evident.
Reality could even become self-aware.
At sufficient levels of complexity, the laws of physics might become so elaborate they would have mind-like attributes. To prevent logical conflicts, the universe would need to be 'aware' of the details of every interaction.
Even with our universe's relatively simple physical laws, the quantum splitting of the many worlds interpretation may be thought-like in its complexity, especially when many things are happening at once.
Emergent awareness may be mathematically inevitable, a side-effect of truth itself.
An infinite number of true facts about our universe are related to each other.
At a sufficient level of detail, this description would inevitably begin to describe itself.
At every level of complexity, reality is filled with patterns, first defining and then influencing each other.
Strung throughout reality, at least one interconnected pattern must best describe all the others: the hidden 'supreme' pattern.
Minds are always looking for metaphors. This would be the ultimate metaphor.
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