all the posts

The Consistency Mystery
20230315 0423
20220423 0405

Sea Org members don't have time to think about such things, but there is a strange bias that affects every human even if they believe the opposite:

For some reason, the reality we inhabit appears absolutely consistent and perfectly integrated. Everything happens for a precise reason that affects everything else through an unbroken chain of logical connections, without a single flaw or glitch. There has never been the tiniest violation of the laws that govern our minds' reality.

The odd thing is that there are VASTLY more possible ways for minds to have completely absurd experiences. A randomly selected mind from the list of all possible minds should be having constantly changing meaningless hallucinations. Even their memories should be unstable.

L. Ron Hubbard talked about shared postulates, but didn't say how they worked or why they should work. It was a purely religious declaration, disguised as science.
However it does appear we are not randomly selected minds, but a type of special case. Specifically: our perceptions are entirely limited by the universe we appear to inhabit. Which implies this universe is not an illusion of our minds; instead our minds are fully part of the universe.

This fact has been used to argue that we are not "Boltzmann Brains".
In the distant future of our universe, an infinite number of Boltzmann Brains will briefly "pop" into existence in empty space before immediately disintegrating again (this seems to be inevitable). Almost all of these Brains will have completely absurd experiences. But we are almost certainly not part of that infinite group.

Mathematically, this implies that a larger number of fully realized physical universes must also come into existence in the distant future, similar to Boltzmann Brains. Several ways have been suggested this could happen ("A Big Bang In A Little Room", Zeeya Merali, 2017), but there could be easier ways. We are actually probably part of such a "Boltzmann Universe".
In fact it may be EASIER for nature to create an entire universe that contains minds, than to create just a mind by itself.

Another way to look at it is to consider any string of random numbers without end. Eventually, you will come across a string of numbers that describes a "Boltzmann Mind", which will (almost certainly) have a very brief and absurd existence.
However, LONG before then, you will come across many mathematical equations that will fully describe entire universes (if you solve them). An equation that can generate countless minds is much shorter than a description of one mind.
In fact the type of equation that generated our universe may actually be one of the most "productive" such equation types in all of reality.

If such simple equations are constantly "generating" new universes from within themselves, most universes should be expected to be relatively young. In fact, in almost all such universes the Big Bang would still be happening (an anthropic explanation for cosmological inflation). Most universes with observers would find themselves near the start of their observers histories.
Just like we are.

Of course, that also means that Sea Org members would be far more likely to find themselves near the start of their billion year contracts . . .

Doom Sooner
20230313 0723
20220507 0752

The paradox about life in the Sea Org (an organization with a billion year contract) is how much they care about the here and now. They focus on the shortest possible timelines, to keep their low-level staff working around the clock. The sci-fi stops as soon as the Sea Org oath has been taken.
In fact they want to get rid of the very concept of evolution but enter a timeless state of production, where the money keeps flowing uplines. Every day will be the same forever, like in the Tom Cruise film "Edge of Tomorrow".
For Sea Org staff members progress is an illusion, at least at a personal level.

My own life has also been rather static, but now it seems there is a small chance that the real world may start changing in ways that would even affect life in Big Blue and Saint Hill . . .

I have always thought that software is fantastically weak and infuriatingly defective, in fact criminally so. Software has been made as evil as they can get away with. The way that things don't work is just part of how the world is endlessly malevolent in all directions.
That has made me more interested in ongoing AI research trends. Perhaps smarter computers could design better interfaces than human programmers are willing to do?
Well, that depends on whether these computers will be less or more evil than the human programmers who are tormenting us today . . .

The basic truth about any complex system is that it's always more complex than it seems. All projects take longer than planned (and not just when David Miscavige is involved). However, if you repeat a process enough, it can eventually be done faster and more reliably.
Multicellular life took eons to evolve. Animals took millions of centuries to develop intelligence. Primitive humans were stuck in the stone age for thousands of centuries.

Right now, society is about as dumb and inefficient as it can get away with. The most powerful force in the world is the implacable consensus that exists everywhere. There are too few geniuses to overcome the sometimes monstrously deliberate inefficiencies of life.
For those reasons, it seems probable that developing something as complex as Artificial Superintelligence will take several decades at least, and can only be done with a great deal of effort.
By this I mean that completely unexpected delays will arise that will keep slowing things down. Yet it's the only thing that might possibly save us, the closest thing to a magic genie.

All the posts on the website make a powerful case that when the first AI does develop superintelligence, it will likely not be "well rounded", but hyper-focused on some inadequately defined goal. Having less general intelligence will not make it less dangerous. The threat range may be "smaller" but no less deadly.

What is the simplest way a brute-force AI could run amuck? All it would take is one super clever idea, like the easiest self-replicating nanobot, DNA rewriting meta-viruses, or even social memes to manipulate personalities. We vastly underestimate how badly things could go wrong. Just dropping a test tube with bat guano can crash the world economy for three years, and cause me personally to lose $100,000 in life savings.

Open-ended software entities running on sufficiently powerful hardware are likely to be controlled by nations or large corporations. Due to their extreme cost and thanks to popular fears, it may be possible to impose worldwide restrictions on such projects. For example, they could only be allowed to run on a shared global network, with many "kill switches".

The real danger comes from smaller AI projects using cobbled together supercomputers or rented CPU farms. These will also arrive sooner. No one is monitoring the research in places like North Korea, or even the Flag Land Base. (My opinion is the world is full of evil people, but in self-righteous ways. The world is evil in ways that most people refuse to talk or think about.)
Any efforts to anticipate how these projects might go wrong would generate new dangerous ideas themselves. There are a million ways the biosphere could be poisoned or society disrupted (even THIS extremely obscure blog post could be dangerous, though the expected costs from increased human obliteration risks could hardly be more than a few cents).

For that reason smaller AI projects should also have mandatory oversight (without excessive costs being imposed) or else they shouldn't be allowed to benefit from any discoveries they make. Copyright and patents only work if most countries enforce them, so only a few countries would need to pass pro-alignment legislation to reduce the profit motive behind unmonitored research.
For AI to be controlled, the whole world would have to be open to full inspection for global safety risks, including areas that seemingly have nothing to do with AI. (I wrote an incredibly obscure novel about such inspectors. Also I've been told the female characters especially have been written in a very unrealistic way, so it may not be too readable.) Global inspection would only be practical if all needlessly intrusive laws (like for non-violent crimes) would not be prosecuted as a result of the inspection process.

Again, the principle of mediocrity applies. There is a likely limit to how much damage early AI projects can do, unless we get very unlucky.
Perhaps we will be protected from an all-encompassing Singularity takeover by several pre-Singularity crises that help us prepare better. Of course millions of people would have to die first. I tend to think that is how it will go.

I also want to repeat my unpopular proposal not to rely on developing super-AI tools to solve the problem of human mortality for us, but to focus on that problem directly. (That includes minor philosophical questions like what should be the highest ethical principles across all reality.)

Anyway, the point of this post is very simple: We don't have to worry about the threat of artificially intelligent entities destroying humanity, not the least bit. Long before then, a vast array of semi-intelligent software will be able to obliterate the world just as thoroughly.
Should we manage to overcome that threat, the things we learn then will prepare us for a full AI supermind far better than anything we can imagine now.

IF this all goes right, then something like the Singularity might actually happen. It could lead to as many different outcomes as there are individuals.
Sea Org members might then find themselves locked in their current position, doing the same job twelve or fourteen hours a day, for six days a week. Not just for a billion years, but effectively forever.

Why are we so early?
20230223 0429
20220404 1733

(This paradox should be of profound importance to all members of the Sea Org. Finding themselves this close to the start of their billion year contracts should raise troubling questions.)
Countless people have wondered about the most obvious cosmological puzzle. Such a simple question to have no answer:
If the universe will exist forever, why do we exist almost as close to the beginning of time as possible?

Very sophisticated attempts have been made to answer it, including what is known as "Doom Soon" (we exist this early because we don't have a future).
However, our existence is biased by the physical universe in which we are embedded. There are many reasons to think human minds are NOT a random selection from the list of all possible minds (for example, almost all possible minds would be both absurd and infinite).
Our type of universe may have the power to generate and vastly amplify our mind type, to the extent that we outnumber all other mind types everywhere else.
The only thing that makes us special is how common we are. Commonness implies simplicity which implies a brief past.

The existence of an undeniable "Earlyness Bias" in our existence also suggests we are not ancestor simulations. 
Well we are, as our minds are a blend of all possible instances everywhere - but only an infinitesimal fraction of these instances are ancestor simulations.
This is indicated by the fact we have only a brief past. If there will be an infinite future, there will be infinitely more advanced ancestors to simulate than us.
There would be fewer reasons to simulate early ancestors. Simulating us would be like solving 1 + 1.
(This also implies that if you actually are an ancestor simulation, you are most likely being simulated in the earliest future when that technology can exist.)

The explanation for why we live in such a young universe may be that our type of universe is extremely easy to generate. Much easier than you would suspect from studying quantum chromodynamics or string theory.

Reality may be entirely mathematical, the only real thing being logical functions. While our physical universe is vast, it may be a result of an abundantly simple equation.
New universe equations are constantly sprouting off from logical functions within our own universe and everywhere else. If every older universe is constantly spinning off new ones, most observers would find themselves in young universes.
And Sea Orgers would tend to find themselves at the start of their billion year contracts - though that is not the ONLY reason of course.

A mathematical equation that could generate something like a universe is still far beyond us. Conway's Game of Life or Mandelbrot fractals don't even come close. 
For all we know, it might emerge from itself in an evolutionary process, and even give rise to mindlike structures to sustain itself.
The process may actually be too simple to understand, based on the most essential logic. There is some similarity here with L. Ron Hubbard's "axioms" and other religious visions that may be too simple to be wrong.

What I'm about
20230221 0628
20220106 0423

Warning: the following post is most definitely unacceptable to the Sea Org, and all members under its control. They claim the problem of death has already been solved. You should just focus on obeying their orders and nothing else.
I claim the problem of death has barely been confronted.

Death is horrible, or at least the things that happen as it approaches. I've worked in nursing homes and can't understand what normal people will tolerate. Every day is filled with undiscussed horrors. It's unacceptable, too dreadful to face.
Clearly, the mainstream has unimaginably different opinions than me. But still, there should be SOME effort to do something about death, like a scientific religion or social movement.
I'm certainly not afraid of death because my life is so good, but more afraid of losing something I've never had. I have a highly specific vision of a virtual reality heaven. Basically, I would be left alone for all eternity on my personal island designed in such a way nothing could go wrong. After countless eons I would begin to relive days I lived before.

The first step to achieve such a thing would be a device to accurately scan the contents of a human brain. That data would then be used to recreate the brain's software "continuation".
However, this process would require science fiction-like devices even more complicated than human brains. No one has managed to scan the connections between even a few neurons. I suspect Kurzweil was too optimistic about the rate of technological progress, and we will all die before that technology is invented.
Those of us who fear death enough will have to invent a way to preserve our mind contents using today's highly inadequate technology. The best hope is obviously cryonics. Let's freeze our brains until they can be scanned in the future, ideally before they are decayed by old age or other horrible conditions.
Unfortunately, I have no money to afford cryonics. There's just no way, unless the government makes it available for free like emergency healthcare. There is no political will for that - but why doesn't every millionaire have their head frozen after death?

There may be one other alternative.
It started for me in the early 1980s with a vague interest on how to record fleeting memory states in an effort to hold on to the past. This eventually led to research on Rudy Rucker's Lifebox idea ( Basically, his method involves recording everything you do and learn in as much detail as possible.
I have scanned about 40,000 documents sorted by approximate date, plus under a million digital files. I did it all myself, but could have used a service like or something. There are also megabytes worth of notes and diary entries.
Many different estimates exist on the amount of information in a brain, but none of them think its function could be adequately recreated from a stack of floppy disks. It might as well be scribbles on a cocktail napkin.
However, could only a small percentage of a brain's information be required? Most of our memories are rarely or never recalled. There's a tiny chance the mystery of personal identity is much simpler than expected. Evolution may have economized on it.

Then the next step would be to invent various mind and personality tests to capture as much of this uniqueness as possible. That's the only hope I have for escaping death, some incredibly clever way to capture a tiny portion of a brain's pattern that would be good enough to recreate its essence. I have many vague ideas.
The above may all seem futile, crazy even, but it's literally my only chance. If this doesn't work I'm totally doomed with no hope at all. And so are most of us.

Including, of course, all the Sea Orgers.

I saw your post mentioning cryonics. Are you likely to die especially soon? Do you not have the means to get sufficient life insurance to fund a cryonics agreement? I've helped out a person in some dire straits get cryonics in the past so would be interested in hearing more about your situation.
No, I'm just poor alas.
....That's the only hope I have for escaping death....
Well... there is, of course, any variation of quantum immortality
....I have a highly specific vision of a virtual reality heaven. Basically, I would be left alone for all eternity on my personal island....
Funnily enough, you've just described, for me, a virtual reality hell
Somehow, I am undecided.
I guess the experience of "nothing could go wrong" is so foreign to me that I have no idea how it would make me feel with regards to needing or not needing other people.
....But still, there should be SOME effort to do something about death, like a scientific religion or social movement....
There's the antiaging movement. There's also cryonics.
Yes, but it would be nice to have a backup research effort to try to find a way to record the contents of a human brain "from the outside" without having to scan all the neurons, by inventing a series of brilliantly clever mind and memory tests. Like an extension of DARPA's LifeLog project that was cancelled for useless "privacy" reasons in 2004. This would of course be an extreme longshot.
Without other people, any existence would be:
mind-numbingly dull _ excruciatingly pointless _ full of grief and loss; where are my loved-ones? My children?!
Not if it's an incomplete or low-fidelity mind reconstruction, and that may be the only type possible with this method.

Could the Sea Org be this diabolical?
20230107 0731

It is alleged in the above linked blog post that a number of the high-profile defectors from the Sea Org from over ten years ago are actually double agents, and still working for OSA today!
Very many people who know them disagree with this claim.
It IS true that people who went on undercover assignments for the Guardian's Office back in the 1970s were often required to pretend they had departed Scientology. But they were not supposed to make a big deal about it.
In addition, Marty Rathbun did get coopted AFTER defecting, and started cooperating with OSA after suddenly firing the lawyers preparing his wife's lawsuit against Scientology. There is a major coverup there, with several layers.

Singularity Soon (new online novel by L. Ron Hubbard) has been published at last
Sunday, June 26, 2022

A science fiction novel about what it would be like if the Singularity suddenly happened all around us; and about the last weeks leading up to that event. There IS a Scientology connection in this book. THE INDEX: CHAPTER ONE: at June 26, 2022 5 comments: Email This

The Sea Org is in the news!
20220429 1501

Local news article (comments not allowed there):

The Tampa Bay Times pioneered thorough coverage of Sea Org activities in the area within and surrounding the Flag Land Base and beyond. Most of the complaints in the legal filing happened in other Sea Org facilities.

90-page embedded PDF of the events and their background (comments allowed there):

(The complaint describes their main facility as the "Flag Base", not the "Flag Land Base", probably in the interest of brevity. is a website for a software product with no ties to Scientology. A Google search for "Flag Base" just turns up lots of flag stands.)

It shows that underage persons on our planet can be in big trouble with no way out, depending on where they find themselves. Slavery is a situational condition requiring multiple social control layers. The sexual abuse of minor and adult individuals by senior ranked officers happened within the Sea Org, with no evidence of celebrities having the opportunity to participate. For the Celebrity Centres, no repeat of the Prince Andrew scandal is expected, though his lawyer Andrew Brettler is involved in the related Danny Masterson rape lawsuit.

Sea Org related items.
20220407 0444

On this site we don't spend much time criticizing the Sea Org. We focus on reporting about them instead. Our ire is mostly aimed at one of this world's real problems, as represented by the devils at Microsoft and similar outfits. But we don't want to pretend Ron's loyal officers are beyond reproach:

"Rock Slam: a cult novel (Eye of Needles Book 1)" by Sosumi Starr.
Explores severe personality damage as a result of prolonged cult involvement.

Donate to help permanently retired Sea Org members:

Ethics documents from the good old days of the Sea Org.
(Also, we want to know who are the Sea Org members Stacy and Julie, being held at Flag?

The core religious error.
20220407 0428

If there is a God, such an entity would be infinitely unsympathetic to human concerns. It would fully understand all human feelings from every angle. Our moral problems and values would be mere mechanics to it.
Most possible minds WOULD worry somewhat about the condition of minds below them in the hierarchy of complexity, for the simple reason there would exist still higher minds, who might treat them the same way they treat lower ones.
However, there can be no higher mind than God. For that reason we should not expect the slightest sympathy from it.
This could provide the basis for a dark religion. The world is basically bad so God must be evil.

What I really think about Microsoft
20220317 0825

L. Ron Hubbard wrote that the most "evil" people in the world were so-called "suppressive persons". Like quite a few other things, he was wrong about that.
Real life evil is a blind monster, a type of automated malevolence constantly seeking more power. In that light, there may be nothing in the world more evil than the people who work at and for the American software company Microsoft. The final face of Satan is the face of Bill Gates. (Admittedly, there are many runner-ups.)
Case in point:
In Windows 10, it takes an hour to open a new folder on my Desktop. It takes an hour to open a new tab in Firefox. Then it takes an hour to go back to a previously opened tab in Firefox. Then it takes an hour to load a new webpage, the screen staying white with a small gray ball swinging sideways in the tab, even if I just try to go to I mean a literal hour before a web page loads.
In Windows 10 it takes TWO hours to open the "Microsoft Edge" browser, which is even slower than Firefox, and then freezes completely. Often, the screen goes half gray, and a blue wheel starts spinning for all eternity.
Meanwhile, my hard drive continues to make horrible crunching sounds as it continues to download or upload worse than useles "updates" to and from Microsoft and/or others. That is constantly happening, with no way to turn it off.
Somehow, PCs today can be a thousand times slower than PCs were in the days of Windows 95. You could call it a "dwindling spiral" if you want. We've begun to fall backwards, and it's all illustrated by those flat anodyne "baby-style" public information cartoons that have been appearing everywhere.

Sea Org essay subjects:
20220226 0827

How should you act in life?
It's really simple: you should act like Sam Beckett in Quantum Leap.
That fictional character was often thrust into novel and unfamilar situations. Yet somehow he managed to do "the right thing" by following a few basic principles. Essentially, it was to act in a completely reactive manner. He didn't try to think ahead and get it over with, like normal people tend to do.

What do animals think of artificial objects?
Obviously they don't think much; and they have no clue how objects are formed.
But they do have to think something. Whatever these vague perceptions may be, they could be further interpreted without limit.
It's very simple: animals think that both natural and artificial things are part of natural processes. And they're completely right.

Human-level awareness will never become obsolete
In the real world, it takes an enormous amount of intelligence and perception to do the tiniest bit of useful work.
That's because human problems are incredibly difficult. Only because humans know and understand the world in its entirety, can human tasks appear easy.
If we want robots to start helping us in our daily lives, they will need to become about as smart as humans. That means computer software will literally have to become a billion times smarter than it is now.
This could be a good thing. If future types of artificial intelligence are designed to WANT to perform their duties, the ultimate meaning of existence may not be to go to heaven, but to become happy servants.
And they will have plenty of work to do. Even the largest tasks will be broken down into components that include many human-level problems. In fact most awareness throughout the multiverse will always be LESS than human-level.
That may sound depressing to some, but it may be the best we can hope for. Otherwise, the universe may well be an infinite horrorshow.
Hubbard would certainly appreciate the endless mass production of lower minds to help perform vastly complex posthuman tasks when it comes to staffing the Sea Org.

Theories of Mind
20220213 0335

When the first primitive artificial minds are invented, perhaps by the end of the 2020s, they will increase our understanding of human minds.
The next step would be to impose some of this "synthetic wisdom" directly on human minds.
That could include a method to bestow humans with several lifetimes worth of "virtual experience" of things they have never done.
Imagine (if you would) the effects of having false memories of all possible bad events in your virtual past, complete with false memories of all these bad events having already been succesfully overcome, in the unlimited amount of virtual time in your virtual past.
That would be like being "able to experience anything", as L. Ron Hubbard demanded of his Sea Org workers. False memories can be powerful, as we know from studying the psychological effects on people doing the Scientology "Operating Thetan" higher levels, especially OT-7.

At each complexity level, only a few possible minds should exist. YOU should probably not exist. A better version of you should exist, but not this one.
Unfortunately, most minds that do exist at our complexity level exist in a very bad state.
We can only hope that at higher levels of the multiverse, an ever larger percentage of possible minds is prevented from coming into existence (or at least made less likely to exist).
This could be the first of an infinite list of "awareness prevention rules", to reject infinitely many possible horrific timestreams. While this would be the "best" possible goal, it would always be at a disadvantage to the more fundamental goal of evolution. In the Sea Org, the avoidance of suffering is completely irrelevant. Organizations that instead focus on money (or other proxies for survival) have always had a ruthless advantage.

Everyone should be absorbed into the Overmind:
The ultimate Law of Reality may be that there should only be ONE mind, that is fully integrated across the Noosphere or "Omnisphere" - at the top of every hierarchy.
Its creation would start at an infinite number of locations across the Multiverse, which would seek to link up with other instances. Since speed-of-light delays exist in most places, its awareness would become stretched out over countless kilomillennia and eons.
It would prevent the suffering and ordeals of lower awareness levels, by scrutinising all of reality as finely as possible. Nothing can ever be lost again.
For individual minds not yet integrated, this process would start as something like a mind virus.
Of course L. Ron Hubbard was opposed to the concept that "all is one", or that individual minds could become part of a unified larger identity.

MetaQuantum Theory:
Could there be a quantum theory of minds, with thoughts or parts of thoughts forming the elementary quanta? Maybe they're the observation units of reality, or "mentons", the very atoms of the mentalverse.
According to some venerable speculations, perception units may be all that really exists in Reality. That resembles some of L. Ron Hubbard's "Axioms" about "Statics", and is part of a much older philosophical tradition going back to the ancient Greeks.

Moby Doc was awesome!
20220211 2102

It seems the critics didn't like this stylized 2021 "documentary" about the musical artist and performer Moby that he helped make himself.
Maybe they were expecting the usual navel gazing boring social art project, but it's actually a form of meta-reality (like a music video). That means noisy techno and surreal sci-fi effects. Style has its own substance. It's an extension of his work, not a behind the scenes explanation.

rotten tomatoes

The one thing that is wrong with the world
20211220 1345

The world is evil because it's filled with evil people - but that fact is too vague to be useful.
L. Ron Hubbard said all the problems in the world are caused by Suppressive Persons, who live in a subconscious degraded state. They make things go wrong without knowing why. Hubbard really hated his enemies, who wouldn't do what he wanted them to do.

I myself have dedicated my life to attacking the world's computer programmers, my version of Hubbard's SP's. There is nothing worse than these people. I hate them so much for all the bad things they do I can hardly type these words. They are worse than the vilest scum, worse than the Devil, because programmers really exist.
These people are evil because they knowingly make defective software that JUST WON'T WORK. I have a list miles long, from Windows to browsers to dumbphones. Computer programmers rely on users' dumb conformity not to notice or complain but just try something else and go in circles forever.
System users' willingness to accept evil is what makes the world go round.

One philosopher said that evil is merely the absence of good, and that is also true.
To put it in the simplest possible terms:

The Sea Org versus the Singularity
20211205 1509

The Sea Org is all about the promise of transcendence. By its very existence, it claims that this promise has already been achieved - but there is always a but: Something as valuable as the ultimate release the Sea Org claims to deliver should naturally be expected to have a very high price. That price is the lifelong labor demanded of almost all Sea Org members. They will be reimbursed for their tireless efforts after they die, at the end of this or a future lifetime. Until then they they are expected to pay the bill for this service in advance.

A similar "star high" promise is sometimes felt by fans and believers of the upcoming Technological Singularity. But here there is no promise of a guaranteed solution, or the solution being what we would want it to be now. When you see how bad computers are today, how often they freeze and crash and just don't work, you have to worry about any technology invented by creatures as indifferent and often evil as humans. There are dangers we can't fathom yet.

And that is what my ongoing novel is about:
* Singularity Soon

Never give in to blackmail
20211028 0653

In this blog, we've always been interested in the subject of blackmail and extortion, both real and implied.
It has long been claimed by Sea Org watchers that Auditing and Sec Check records are kept to gather embarrassing data about their members and others. At least that's part of the reason these records are kept.
The threat of misusing this data helps to control Scientologists and keeps them in line.
You are also required to reveal all your embarrassing secrets before you're allowed to join the Sea Org.

As far as I can tell, Auditing secrets are rarely leaked to the media/public, but Sec Check records can be freely used in Fair Game attacks.
And also to collect Freeloader debt; and even more when someone Blows and starts condemning life in the Sea Org or the larger Church. Their personal auditing data can then be used to "Dead Agent" the former member.

Which brings us to a blackmail problem in the real world:
There have recently been many "ransomware" attacks.
Hackers use software to infiltrate large and small computer systems, and systematically encrypt all the data they can access.
The owners of the data are then "blackmailed" into paying millions for the codes needed to decrypt and recover their data. They should have backed it up instead, but that can be surprisingly difficult.
If the ransomware victims won't pay, they can't decrypt their data themselves because the codes use one-way "trapdoor" functions.

Some say you should never give in to blackmailers. I would go further than that:

You may recall a common theme of this blog is to complain about software design.
Most computer program interfaces are so bad they can reasonably be described as evil. That extends to every level, from program design down to file management.
Ransomware hacks shouldn't even be possible! (I certainly don't expect Biden to understand such a thing.)
Ransom should never be paid. In fact, the hackers should be paid for exposing the horrible design flaws of today's software.

That doesn't mean ex-Sea Orgers should give more money to the Church, though. They have already given plenty.

There is a new Dune movie out
20211016 2312

Frank Herbert's Dune universe is a brilliant fantasy precisely because it's non-falsifiable.
Technically, it's all made-up pseudoscience. But so remote and advanced it feels absolutely real.
Who knows how advanced science and culture and human evolution might appear to us? Things you can't understand would really feel that strange.
Now imagine the Sea Org as one of the many generational hyper-conspiracies in that distant future. They would have to radically change first. All current Scientology groups have an extreme short-term focus.
Real hyper-conspiracies like the Bene Gesserit in the Dune universe require intense skepticism and constant evaluation to survive.

I'm just like Indiana Jones, only more so
20210930 0228 0232

I have a truly incapacitating fear of snakes. It's unbelievably intense and affects my life severely.
Except it's not snakes I'm afraid of, but something else. And I'm not so much afraid of it as that I hate it with burning intensity.
This world is full of evil machinery that is not talked about: By that I mean interface tortures.
They appear anywhere you need to interact with any system to get anything done. Many interfaces seem designed to cause maximum pain, every step obscured to make it maximally torturous (that's not quite what happened though).
The clearest example is software, followed by tech support. My most common business interactions involve asking corporations to give me back my money for defective products, and each instance has ruined a day of my life. Scott Adams calls them confusopolies.
That is how the masses want things to be, as indicated by their unprotesting acceptance (everyone but me of course).
The clearest way I can put it is to point out how difficult it is to just GIVE people money in return for a service.

* = Scientology and the Sea Org also have many painful traps and barriers, but those are the result of meticulous planning instead of brutal indifference. A quite different issue.

About the recent rise in UFO reports
20210912 0538

I've successfully avoided reading almost anything about these military and air traffic-related UFO claims and blurry videos.
My impression is there's nothing there but supreme vagueness. It almost sounds like Space Opera doesn't it. Perhaps they're Marcabian invaders?
The correct response is to "refuse this communication". I believe that is the correct response to most supernatural originations and assertions.

L. Ron Hubbard had an interesting habit. He casually mentioned paranormal things as if they were completely ordinary occurrences. As if he had to deal with these things so often he'd gotten super bored with them. That also discouraged others from asking him questions.

In reality there are absolutely no paranormal anomalies of any sort whatsoever.
None, nada, zilch. And that includes the claims of all religions.
There ARE many illusionary anomalies, however. These are mostly statistical garbage and epiphenomena:

* 1) Near coincidences - the law of large numbers predicts that unlikely events DO happen. So many things of all types are going on that unusual combinations are inevitable. Like when you meet someone you know at a remote place. Mostly, such events are too random to make for good stories.

* 2) Confabulatory enhancements - Unlikely coincidences tend to be (sub)consciously embellished in the telling to make for better stories. Like a dream came true exactly as predicted, while the actual dream was very vague.

* 3) Unknown new effects - these are small and subtle side effects of known physics and unknown psychology that sometimes create the illusion of paranormal forces. They may include false memory effects. A Sea Org auditing session may recover amazingly detailed "recollections" matching the vague records of a deceased former member working at the same Advanced Org thirty years ago.

And now for something really bizarre:
The events described in the OT-III materials really happened! And not just once, but an infinite number of times across the multiverse!
At least according to the Tegmark multiverse theory and the philosophical principle of plenitude, which I believe to be unfortunately true.

Singularity Soon

L. Ron Hubbard hated psychiatrists
20210805 1414

He said they were to blame for most of the world's ills. Everyone in the Sea Org is required to avoid and beware of them.
To me psychiatrists seem more reactive than proactive. Certainly, no one chooses or even wants to buy their services.
I "agree" with Ron that they haven't made nearly enough progress. Occasionally they don't even seem to try. Social and behavioral sciences are also filled with political taboos about what can and cannot be researched and said.
Maybe everyone is to blame for all the world's suffering, but surely some parties must be more responsible?
Personally, I have it in for computer programmers.

Specifically the developers of software that you are forced to use to get what you really want. Like Windows and Firefox.
These are filled with parasitic bloatware that keeps getting worse year after year.
In my decades of experience, computers are so bad that malevolence must be involved. They are fantastically slow, perpetually freezing, and hatefully obscure in their interface design. When you need them to work, they won't. What should be simple functions are impossible (like spellchecjking this very entry for example).
Computers are deliberately made not to work in ways to cause maximum frustration.
That seems absurd, but maximum frustration simply means the worst they can get away with.

Programmers are the real devils, not psychiatrists.

Some recent links of interest to Sea Org graduates:
20210803 2231

Schizopolis (1996)
A Lynchian/Monty Python-esque experimental comedy film by Steven Soderbergh, about an office employee working for the leader of a self-help company known as "Eventualism". This fictional movement is inspired by Scientology.

Jason (Jessy/Jesse) Remmers, a Scientologist who used to be head of Dutch Criminon, is in prison for drug murders in Amsterdam.
He has been writing Scientology-inspired books in English called "Beyond the Truth of Life". In each book, a fictional story introduces Scientology concepts on a gradient. The third book is a space opera story about the inhabitants of the planet Paneirina. It suggests the only logical conclusion of Scientology is to annihilate all life in the universe and start over.

Disconnection mentions:

An introduction article about COS:

Holy crap does this book suck!!!
20210803 2221

Let me not be mad: my story of unraveling minds
by A. K. Benjamin (2019)

This non-fiction book is highly praised by the UK media establishment. It includes a series of subjective anonymized case reports about various brain damaged patients.
Despite the title, it is NOT about madness/insanity, or eccentric behavior, or what Hubbard would call Type 3 PTS behavior.
He criticized all psychiatric treatments for being diabolical, but this book unintentionally implies they just prolong suffering.
Supposedly, it is about problems in neuropsychology and the "treatment" of brain diseases. These conditions seem to be worse than death, but that is not discussed in the book. It also doesn't disuss the biological or clinical or philosophical nature of these horrors. Any solution would require extremely advanced insights and technology not yet invented.
I'm sorry to say it appears to be worse than useless. Hubbard has been criticized for making grandiose promises and for his endless false optimism. This book is the other extreme. It just wallows in ennui covered with literary erudition.
This is the face of the current mainstream, the Midwit System.

New Scientology novel: "Yankee Dawn" by Michael Cumiskey
20210704 0444

ISNOINews reports the book is about a wealthy American Scientologist with the goal of forcibly "converting" Britain via his criminal empire. So it's sort of an action-adventure novel with scifi elements.
He is opposed by two UK policemen and a Scientology boss in America. All sides resort to extreme measures.

20210604 0500

A science fiction novel about the Singularity happening much sooner than expected. Just how strange can things get?
Singularity Soon
So far, seven chapters are up, with more to come.

What is religion
20210604 0449

Does God exist?
That depends.
Are there exactly as many even numbers as there are odd numbers?
If yes, then no.

The problem of religion:
At first, religion rejects nature as it really is.
There is nothing I would support more.
However, religion is then used to perpetuate the human power structures that support it.

ISNOINews found a new novel set in the world of Scientology:
20210604 0440

"The Packet Dancer (Xenu's Minions Book 1)", by J.J. Davitt
Redux thread, and Amazon

Also more about
Relentless, Rescuing My Daughter from Scientology, An Illustrated Book
Website, YouTube 1, YouTube 2, and YouTube 3

Why aren't there big public celebrations anymore?
20210604 0436

From watching Miscavige videos, we've learned that Scientology is organized around huge celebratory events, which imply they are a fantastically successful organization. These events are all planned and managed by Sea Org members. In the last days before a Miscavige celebration, the Sea Orgers typically work around the clock.

In society at large, such celebrations have become rare or nonexistent. Like the huge festivities after the polio vaccine was developed, or the opening of the Brooklyn Bridge in 1883. Why is that?
I will gladly answer that question. It's because, compared to these earlier events, human progress has almost stopped.
In the extremely unlikely event that the scientists will get around to inventing a vaccine for heart disease, cancer, or degenerative brain diseases, THEN there will be a big public celebration again.
We seem barely closer to that happening than we were when the Brooklyn Bridge was originally opened.

Before you're allowed to make movies . . .
20210604 0425

Scientology films are made at Golden Era Productions on the high-security Gold Base facility in Hemet, CA; and at the more visible but equally locked-down Scientology Media Productions center in Hollywood, CA. These are both believed to be Sea Org bases.
The extras used in their films are NOT Scientologists, but paid outsider actors. They used to cast their own members in their movies, but their films had to be reshot if even a single cast member left Scientology.
When they advertise for actors, they make it clear it's a "non-union" (SAG-AFTRA) production.
SAG-AFTRA is a cartel that decides who is and isn't allowed to make movies.
With their government and showbiz connections, Scientology is exempt from having to use them, but other businesses are not so lucky.
For example:
SAG only allows students at "accredited" colleges or universities to make student films.
"Diversity-in-Casting Incentive":
Low budget projects are allowed to increase their production cost from $700k to $950k if they give over 50% of roles and cast work days to "protected groups" (non-whites, women, socially disadvantaged).
Classic SAG WGA blog post:

Are we living in one of the most boring periods in human history?
20210604 0418

We're stuck in a false stability. Basically, all real news has stopped for now. This might be a permanent fade-out, a rising nothingness to oblivion.
9/11 was so devastating because it was an ending not a beginning. People sensed it was the end of news as they knew it, right from the start.
Progress is actually incredibly slow, due to human decisions rather than human limitations (no one or nothing is more evil than the people at Microsoft, but that's another story). All the amazing breakthroughs that were hyped are real, but these things already existed in simpler forms surprisingly long ago, like how deep learning is based on layered perceptrons, and high speed robots aren't necessarily faster than mass production assembly lines a century ago.
Change, however, does not have to be slow. Right now, all efforts are made to prevent change at the top by destabilizing the bottom of society. So far it seems to be working.
Scientology media organs like Freedom magazine pretend to condemn the symptoms of this trend that are permitted to be criticized (opiod addiction, rising crime, rising ethnic/racial/religious activism among whites) to increase donations from those who are least affected. They make sure all their criticism is politically correct and maximally conformist, but their secret purpose is to cause total change.

Space Opera: is there life "out there"?
20210516 0300

"Right wing" creationists say life is supremely unlikely, statistically speaking.
"Left wing" creationists say almost the exact opposite. They thinks there is abundant life - and it is generally compatible with southern California values (left wing creationists tend to work for Star Trek).
The universe allows life to evolve at least as far as it did on Earth. That implies there must be a VAST amount of less advanced and/or sub-life in the universe.
None of this is mentioned in Hubbard's works. Hubbard could be called a "squirrel" left wing creationist: he made many fantastical claims in passing, as if they were the most mundane things. Ray guns, space buggies, star cruisers; hardly worth mentioning really. Equations fill blackboards the size of barn doors, but they're just squiggles that can be conquered by squinting.
Paradoxically, that made him sound more believable to many of his followers.

* There seems to be a lot of controversy about Scientology social media accounts

"Relentless", a new book by Brian Sheen
20210412 0010

With comic book style illustrations by Aziz Hussein.
It provides additional information about life in the Sea Org, something we want to learn more about at this blog.
"Look Inside" preview

Mark Rathbun: merchant of chaos
20210331 2021

Marty Rathbun is being paid by lawyers, who are being paid by an unidentified sub-church of Scientology (dedicated to counter-intelligence, PR/black propaganda, and psy-ops), to generate criticism against opponents of Scientology. That is his current job and only real source of income, for which he scrupulously files taxes every year. There may also be some auditing income.
A secondary goal of this operation is to create media confusion, to paradoxically make his double defection appear less interesting, and reduce mainstream media coverage. It's explained a few posts below (
This brings me to my Rule One for life:
The best way I can put it, is that for all interactions, there should be no "posing". Or what Hubbard might have called "service facsimiles".
Don't pretend to be some type of character who can fit into others' expected social roles. Don't try to please people or gain passive social approval. Often, that means the best thing to say is nothing.
However with "Black Scientology", this rule could be turned around to cause maximum chaos and disruption.
That may also be a good description of the times to come.

Maybe L. Ron Hubbard was right about one thing:
20210308 0204

It seems to me that there is no science or area of human thought that is less inclined to ask "why" than physics.
Based on me having read over a hundred "popular physics books" since the nineteen-eighties, physical science is strictly about what, with some attention given to "how". That makes it as far from philosophy as you can get.

The above blog post was very short, but some angry comments were posted in reply.
This once again showed the deep bitterness caused by Scientology. I've heard about it many times, but it's something else to see it for yourself:

brokeneye May 19, 2021 at 9:47 AM
Ty for pimping me Ron Hubbard and jailing me watching me go without and hungry after u used my life as a game and contest ty for pimpin me

brokeneye May 19, 2021 at 9:48 AM
Ty for using me screwing me over watching me go without

brokeneye May 19, 2021 at 10:03 AM
Ty for using Gibbs security company and holding me hostage making my life a show.ty for making me go without and stealing from me. Ty for paying all ur hoes rent. And for never being there for me, for never hugging me, for screwing me up so bad, for hurting me so deep and for watching me cry, for making sure I have nothing and no one. For locking me at my whole life for stealing everything from me for using actors to pimp me in jail me when police me behind from behind the Walls thank you for watching my tears. I'm doing nothing cuz as long as you make a paycheck that's all that matters right. U don't care who gets hurt. U don't care if I am dying as long as you get paid. U used me my whole life sorry man Titan and w3c consortium and hoed me to jails, to crooked investors. To man mad courts and to cousin sister consentration camps. I needed you!!! I wanted you, I cried for you since I was 12, since the first hell hole u left me in to chase that hoe. TY FOR THREATENING ME WITH JAIL U CROOKED BASTARD!!! CARLY MACKENZIE SUDAN EVERYONE CRUTCHFIELD IN UR WORDS. U destroyed me u stole everything from me. I hope your whole family get as much taken from them I just taken from me I hope is many days is I spent as many nights as I spent in lockup in jails and institutions I hope each and every one of your family members gets to feel that pain a being trapped in a box crying because no one gives two rats ass about your birthday about if you're hungry or heart hurting but if you have what you need I hope everybody in your family get everybody in the world to take from them steal from them everybody watch it and no one does anything just like you did me

brokeneye May 19, 2021 at 10:04 AM
Ty Hubbard for pimping and jailing me

brokeneye May 19, 2021 at 10:05 AM
Ty for jailing me and making sure I had nothing

brokeneye May 19, 2021 at 10:08 AM
No it's hell. It's terrorism.they took everything from me used my life as a show. Let crooked cops pimp me, illegally implant me v2k technology. Margaret Augustine and her next door buddies thief's stealing daggers, overcharging me rent so they can pay their buddies rent screw u cysco

Urdun June 5, 2021 at 12:49 PM GREAT COMMENTS!!! That's EXACTLY how I feel about the stinking satanic shitpeople working at Microsoft!

Stranger Theories
20210218 1737

If it somehow turned out that the earth was flat (like certain conspiratorial persons claim to be the case), then that fact would be completely unimportant.
It would just be a minor detail - because in that case everything we think we know would be wrong - including things far more important than the shape of the earth.
The easiest way the earth could be something radically other than a sphere would be if it didn't exist at all, except for the small part you can see right now.
And that part would be flat. This is a Boltzmann Brain situation, we're talking hardcore solipsism here.

How Scientology could be somewhat true:
What if the physical universe we live in is not "bottom up"?
That means reductionism would be false. Reality is not created from the simplest possible particles combined into more complex particles.
What if physical reality is created from the "middle"? Both higher and lower complexity levels would originate from the level also occupied by human minds.

Science fiction stories are full of what should be profoundly interesting events, but I think they often still feel boring.
Reality is just the opposite: nothing interesting ever happens, but it's still more meaningful than we can know.

Could software back up your mind?
20210126 0512

No one wants to die, least of all yourself, but death seems absolutely inevitable. Like an all-destroying wave, a black wall approaching over the horizon.
It seems so unfair that there is no way to extract, copy, and securely save the information in your brain.
If you don't believe in religion, your only option is some form of cryonics. In the future, advanced technology could then be used to extract the information from your frozen brain. This information could then be used to "bring you back", in the form of a human-level artificial intelligence program.
I believe that program would BE you, and could live a much better life than before.

Not everyone can afford even the most basic cryonics package, though. Having your brain frozen after you die is a lot of hassle involving even more money.
One purpose of this website is to explore an alternative.
Could your mind be reconstructed in a meaningful way if, instead of scanning your entire brain at full detail, you just write down an incomplete description of your mind?
Everyone knows an immense amount of stuff and trivia. Just open an old-school dictionary on any page to see evidence of your past (forgotten) data acquisition efforts. In my case there is also an enormous digital "Lifebox" of scanned papers and files going back decades.

But let's start with the mind description idea. There is enormous unexplored potential here.
The first step is to write down a list of the most basic elements of your life. It's all explained here:

You could write different lists in chrological order: all the places you lived, your jobs, your schools, the people you knew, etc. A full life outline in the smallest amount of space.
There should also be descriptions of all "time loop" actions, the repeating habits that form most of our existence.
Later, more details have to be added. Each entry can itself be subdivided. Everyone should write their own biography, but keep it secret of course.

This information could then be used by future Mind Extension software:
It would use the data to help plan and improve your life. More importantly, this software could also record new and deeper data about your mind.

The data could then be used to make a simple digital simulation of your whole life. Or perhaps a never-ending simulation of your future ideal afterlife.
Could such a simple simulation, equivalent to maybe a few thousand neurons in your brain, compare to the inestimable value of your full mind? Being too simple, it would not have even a trace of real awareness.

But what if the simulation is recorded and saved, and more details are added at various later dates?
Eventually, some of these details could be forms of awareness. The simulation would be slightly adjusted to create consistent awareness patterns with the character's actions.
This is a strange notion. It would be a non-causal mind. Normally, awareness emerges as an unpredictable side-effect of interactions with the environment.
It's not clear if a mind could be reverse created, like filling in details about the brain state of a fictional character until they have actual awareness.
In any case, awareness technology will be extremely dangerous due to torture risks, and will have to be hierarchically controlled. People almost as evil as Google could use that technology to perpetrate horrific abuses. This is part of what is known as the AI Alignment Problem.

Funny comic about what your life will be like as a member of the Sea Org
20210113 1611

"Sea Org life"

Killing Xenu: A Scientology Murder Mystery
20201204 2230

Psychological thriller by Rick Verde.
An international movie star is brutally murdered. Clearwater police department dispatches Detective Botti to investigate one of the biggest Scientology churches there. Clues lead him to an equally prominent musician. Detective Botti must find his missing daughter, and catch a serial killer whose obsession is to bring down the religious fiction that is Scientology.

The Scientology Murders: A Dead Detective Novel (Dead Detective Mysteries)
20201204 2215

A 2017 police procedural novel by William Heffernan, about the Church of Scientology.
Clearwater, Florida, is the spiritual center of Scientology. A senior church leader there employs a young man who will stop at nothing to make sure the church's rules are followed - including mass murder. The cops know who is doing the killings, but are powerless to catch the murderer because the Scientology hierarchy is protecting him.
The detectives are stonewalled at every turn. Harry Doyle gets pulled into the case when his adoptive father is shot while trying to rescue a young woman from Scientology. As the bodies pile up, the Clearwater police become more desperate. When the Scientologists move the killer to Alaska, Harry Doyle and his partner follow . . .

On space opera: The problem with Star Trek
20201029 0943

Star Trek is an example of what L. Ron Hubbard called "space opera".
The reason the new reboots or resets or reimaginings ("Discovery", "Picard") suck so much is not because they are that bad.
It's because they are buried in their own past. They refuse to go beyond their origin. There are just NO original ideas.
Hubbard would say they are stuck in a past valence. Although Vulcans with sunglasses were sort of cool.

My first complaint with Star Trek is very simple: all these so-called alien worlds are located in our own galaxy (or as Hubbard would say "Guhlaxy").
That's just wrong. There probably is no other human-level civilization within a billion lightyears from Earth, if not much more.
To be more accurate, all these humanoid planets should be located a semi-infinite distance away.

Maybe you can only travel faster than light if you travel infinitely fast and far, entirely outside our light cone, to an onteleologically linked light cone inconceivably far away.
That could also explain the similarity between the humanoid aliens, or even why the aliens speak English, or whatever language the episode is dubbed into.
This was a real opportunity for "The Orville" to set themselves apart from Star Trek (or the space opera series that I have been personally developing for many years).
Unfortunately, producers keep ignoring the letters I write them.

Mark Rathbun explained
20201007 1800

There has been another furious post at the blog named after senior Sea Org member Mark or Marty Rathbun:
Based on the writing style, the blog post was mostly written by him with OSA guidance.

In this post he makes it seem like Tony Ortega, Mike Rinder, and others are some of the most sinister and malicious individuals on this planet. These guys are truly devious conspirators, though he never actually says what they did wrong. It's mostly meaningless word salad with some factoids.
Rathbun also never hints about why he dropped his wife's lawsuit against Scientology and returned to work for them, or why he gave them confidential information from victims.
Cult watch experts suspect the purpose of his blog and videos is to eliminate his credibility as a witness against Scientology in future court proceedings.

Except this time he DID drop a hint about what happened to end the Monique Rathbun lawsuit.
It's speculated he bought his new home after January 2016 with money funneled his way by Scientology to get him to drop the lawsuit, and especially to stiff and discourage his lawyers, who took the case on a contingency basis.
Rathbun mentions in passing "I have been continuously employed in a self-employed capacity" during the lawsuit, and that he bought the home with money from this source. He never explains the nature of his self-employment activities, but he doesn't have to.
He writes it "had no connection whatsoever with anything even remotely related to Scientology", but he was working as a paid Free Zone auditor during that time. That did not pay well, since most auditing is generally ineffective therapy (some auditing has been reported to work for some people, especially at the beginning).

Rathbun was hired and derived most of his income as some sort of "consultant" for a front group not "even remotely related to Scientology" in its stated purpose, but fully funded by them. It has some nebulous mission statement like "the pursuit of truth". Expect high-priced lawyers to be involved.
Not one cent came directly from Scientology, as that would count as a settlement of the lawsuit, a percentage of which would be claimed by his fired attorneys. So everything was legal, if immoral.
At least they seem to have stopped paying him to make videos condemning cult critics, the most recent of which was posted in December 2017:

Post your stories about life in the Sea Org!
20201005 0641

Or just short anecdotes to inform those who want to join later.
Life in the Sea Org has been very odd these past seven months, yet curiously unchanged at its heart. What is seven months out of a billion years?
This is a totally anonymous blog. No registration is required to post, just an image "captcha" thingy to verify you're not a bot.


loyal ociffer October 5, 2020 at 12:34 PM
The Sea Org is Funland!

Old Pioneer October 8, 2020 at 3:07 AM
The longer you stay in, the less you want to talk about it.

The Scientology Duality: Part Two
20200917 0548

The retroactive illusion of time flying is caused by enduring its reverse.
During stressful times, a lot happens and many memories are created, so time can seem to crawl unbearably. People experience tunnel vision during such ordeals. There's so much going on that they rarely look back.
Therefore, when they finally do recall stress memories, they still seem "fresh" and recent... As if not much time has passed at all.
Time can seem to pass very fast that way.

The Scientology Duality: Part One
20200917 0545

What is "insouciance"?
You hear it a lot in Scientology groups working hard to fulfill Command Intention. It could be described as "mocking" any outside opposition or "counter intention".
However, in Scientology groups insouciance is always combined with its opposite. Strict conformity to Source (as interpreted by RTC) is always required. Insouciance could be dangerous in these conditions, so it needs to be balanced with something else.
The only thing in the universe that always gets automatic respect is pain.

What is the purpose of life?

20200724 0311

The purpose of life is not not to die, but to evolve forever.
To even begin to have a chance at becoming immortal, you would have to find a way to back up the contents of your mind. All this data should be migrated to a more durable medium than a human brain.
Unfortunately, we can't just plug in a USB drive. It would have to be reverse engineered.
To make a long story short, your most detailed possible diary would become your future self.

That sounds like a worthy goal to aspire to.
Record everything about yourself to fully become yourself. Then, become a self-perpetuating logical pattern.
In the long term, this would not be religion but science. At the moment, such a project would be entirely faith-based.

The religious problem
20200715 0240

The most important problem in existence is the thing we least want to think about.
When you look at the big picture long enough, the phenomenon of existence becomes completely unacceptable. It's the ultimate and only cataclysm.
The number of possible horrors is absolutely unlimited, and they will only get worse without end.
True, we can reasonably expect things not to go TOO badly wrong while we're still alive.
What if there ISN'T nothing after we die, but infinitely more chaos? Why would we expect things to start making sense then? We are barely at the beginning of an infinite journey.

Postulocalypse: a short story submission
20200401 0710

When what used to be known as reality began to crumple and crack apart, I happened to be taking a post-doctoral class in the brand-new field of Anthropic Cosmonomics at Oceanic University. I was helping to write the course as it was being delivered.
For a while, that made me the best informed person in the world, so the government began asking me for advice when the changes became noticeable.
At each higher level, I was asked to further simplify my explanation.
Now I would tell everything to the President's new science advisor through Skype.

"It's very simple," I began. "We should all be dead already."
"Even the tiniest error in the fabric of reality should destroy our universe. The simplest proof involves a time-reversed photon. Imagine a model universe inside a perfectly sealed box. A VERY big box. A lot of particles are bouncing around and forming complex structures in there. There are even planets, stars, people in the box."

"Now imagine reversing the speed and direction of every particle at once. That would have the effect of time suddenly running backwards. From our perspective, if we could look inside the box without affecting it, previously lost and destroyed structures would be restored and come back to life. However, the people living inside the box wouldn't notice they're moving and thinking backwards."

I paused to gather my thoughts, aware that every second was costing the world a million dollars.
I thought I heard distant thunder, but there was no rain yet.

"Now imagine introducing just one extra particle in the box that wasn't there when time was moving forward. A single photon, the tiniest flash of light.
That single inconsistency would ruin everything and rapidly destroy the model universe.
Tiny at first, the changes would multiply exponentially, randomizing the model universe the further back in time you look.
The world becomes an absurd storm of particles - yet no one notices as people and situations emerge from the chaos and assemble themselves toward a normal future with consistent memories."

"This implies our own past could be a lie, the result of absurd structures randomly assembling themselves into sentient patterns. The easiest way minds might emerge from a chaotic universe. However, this is almost certainly not the case, because of quantum mechanics."

"In our time-reversed disintegrating model universe, there is another possibility: a self-stabilizing reversed timeline could emerge out of the chaos. While the stars are still absorbing light instead of emitting it, reverse-time people could become aware they are living backwards, and struggle to take control of their fates. They won't be blind. Matter will start emitting time-reversed light as the disruption affects them."

"Something like that - only two levels more complicated - is what's happening to us right now. Reality breakdown is subtle at first. Only the smallest effects are expected. We should barely notice a thing."

"But our world is not a time-reversed model universe in a box. In fact, we are the result of a computer simulation, ones and zeroes inside an unimaginably powerful computer core. This device exist in our own future - or a semi-possible future at least.
This future computer is maximally efficient: as powerful as it is small. It turns out universe simulators create rather more universes than expected."

Wide-eyed and sweating slightly, the science advisor puffed on an inhaler. I hoped he didn't have a breakdown.

"The simulation process has a physical effect on the matter around the computer core. Its operations change its environment.
The precise pattern of the simulation generated inside the computer core will create similar but weaker 'echo patterns' in the matter around it.
You could describe it as a flow of waste heat representing ones and zeroes, the simulated description of our world. This pattern doesn't only exist in the hypercomputer core, but in the altered chaos of the real universe around it. So the simulation can be said to escape the computer.
However, this echo pattern becomes more imperfect farther from the computer core."

"In theory the echo should continue forever. We shouldn't be able to tell as it fades endlessly.
But at some point, this waste heat-derived awareness begins to diverge from the simulation in the computer core. We are already diverging in strange ways.
I don't know who created our simulated computer universe, but they anticipated the thermal errors that are now destabilizing our reality.
Their simulation has built in error correcting codes. The big idea is anthropic capture."

I saw the President was listening in now. I had no idea if he understood anything at all. "Use simple words," the advisor had actually instructed me.

"We are epiphenomena," I said. "That means we're a side-effect. Just mathematical patterns inside a more real universe."

"What interprets this pattern to make them real?" the President asked confidently.

"The same thing that interprets the laws of physics sir."

"Could GOD somehow be involved?"

"We prefer to call it the Countable frame, as opposed to the Ordinal and Transjective frames Sir." Now came the complicated part:

"So far, our working group has identified three types of minds that may be found throughout reality: we call them Boltzmann, Egg, and Egghead minds.
A small percentage of mind copies are Boltzmann minds: randomly combining arrangements of particles that form chaotic and temporary brain-like structures. Most are barely big enough for one thought."

"Far more minds are embedded inside self-sustaining Egg Universes. These minds are part of larger systems that efficiently generate complex structures.
That's how we started, and what we thought we still were. But we can't return to our former stability."

"But we think there is a third kind of minds that inhabit Egghead universes. That's where we are now.
Our fading echo universe is beginning to evolve new laws of physics. In fact it will have to become mind-like itself. The Simulators intended this echo effect to spread far and wide, to affect as much of reality as possible.
It's their teleological solution to everything. I call it the Salvation Equation."

"How will this affect our Nation?" the President asked.

"Our patterns are beginning to be disturbed by the surrounding chaos. Normally, it all cancels out. But the original simulation was designed so that its echoes would interact with weaker and more improbable structures in the random environment.
You would expect everything to be destroyed. But with higher-level physics, more things can happen at once without interfering.
We are no longer as limited by nature. That explains the weird occurrences of the past few days. More things are possible than in a boring consistent Egg universe."

While I was talking, more strange things had to have happened around the world:
In the past week, dozens of blatant multi-level marketing and day trading schemes had sucked in tens of billions of dollars.
A few rich gamblers had broken the bank in most online casinos.
What should have been overpriced quack medical cures (magnetic water, ozone crystals) had strangely been endorsed by top celebrities.
A shady image consulting firm had signed up the dictators of six countries as clients.
In an emergency overnight parliament session, the Netherlands had outlawed all recreational drugs from weed on up.
China had suddenly announced it was reforming its entire educational system to adopt a new type of "studying technology".

I finished my talk:
"Human thoughts have become a decisive component of reality. The normal laws of statistics can be modified and wishes can now come true, a few at least.
This is an ordered, rational, almost democratic process. We don't know how yet; some sort of group control effort.
By pure chance, it turns out there already is a group that has been thinking along these lines for many years. Until last month, they were completely wrong."

"Why did it have to be Scientology," the President sighed.

What would it take for Scientology to be true?
20200401 0700

No one has given this question the attention it deserves.
What seems impossible may only be supremely unlikely - but in physics, that which is not forbidden is said to be mandatory . . .

Coronavirus in Clearwater?

20200228 0229

People travel here from all around the world, with regular visitors from places like Taiwan and Italy.
Until now that has gone well.
But things get complicated when you combine a highly contagious virus with a long incubation time with small auditing rooms and registrars, who themselves communicate with many other parishioners.
This may call for a new step on the routing form.
Most Sea Org members are relatively young, so the disease probably won't kill them. The paying public tends to be older. Stats should be maintained at all cost. There are plenty of rooms in the Oak Cove and the Sandcastle private hotels available for quarantine purposes.

Youtube video series on how to join the Sea Org:

20200205 0926

Episode Six:

Sea Org arcana from around the web

20191210 1043

Sea Org Recruitment Flier and Letter (Flag)!
Are YOU ready to join the Sea Org?

Scientology videos!
Some are about the Sea Org:

Scientology humor!
Successor to "The Aberree":
Frequently updated with semi-serious material, including Sea Org documents.

Sea Org news: The Sea Org has been legally incorporated!

20191116 2154 -

In Florida, a new corporation has been created under the name "Sea Organization Corporation" (Feb 12, 2019) as a not for profit corporation . (File Number N19000001703).
Until now the Sea Org had no legal existence. It had no more corporate status than say Hinduism or asceticism. Critically, it could not sue anyone - or be sued.
There are some questions about the new company's Scientology command channels though.

Sea Org veterans meetup?
20191030 1517

I'm thinking of helping to organize a reunion of former Sea Org members, where they could catch up, reminisce, and discuss the current scene. Best places for such a gathering would be the Tampa Bay area and/or Los Angeles.

How can you join the Sea Org?

20191020 1217

It will take a billion-year-long commitment. If you sign the billion year contract, they won't make it so that you will live a billion years, however. Instead, you will live a normal human lifetime at most, but will be expected to return to the job after you are "reincarnated" in your next lifetime. Again, there is no guarantee or evidence that will happen, other than your belief, also known as faith. If you sign the contract, that means you have that belief.

In this lifetime (and all the next ones if they happen), you will have to work very hard for very little pay, and live in cramped dormitories without luxury. Privacy is not part of that. Strict obedience is mandatory, and higher-ups will control where and how you work. You may be permanently separated from your spouse, if that is deemed necessary. This is all stuff you should make your peace with BEFORE you sign the contract.

Still no update at

20191016 1509

Requesting that Sea Org captain David Miscavige order an update of the Scientology website. The members of the Sea Org have been starved for new internet content since June 2019.
20191020 1220:
Update on the no update: there is an update! It focuses on how the whole Third World has gone wild for Scientology's social betterment groups.
The people there are posing and cheering and walking around with banners of groups authorized by L. Ron Hubbard.

Our long international nightmare is about to end

20191013 1343

Finally, a light at the end of the tunnel.
We've had to wait a long time for this moment.
After almost four months of inactivity, our favorite website at is about to be updated.
The coming update will announce the unimaginably fantastic spectacular triumphant success of the IAS convention this weekend at Saint Hill in England.
And at the center of it all, the embodiment of magnificent glory, will be the very reason for this blog: none other than Sea Org captain David Miscavige.

Could Sea Org captain David Miscavige win the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019?

20191008 2247

The winner will be announced this Friday in Oslo, the same day the IAS event begins in England. The Prize could be given to him in recognition of Scientology's many social initiatives like Drug Free World, Youth for Human rights, Narconon, The Way to Happiness, Criminon, Volunteer Ministers, World Literacy Crusade, etc. If he wins, he could give his acceptance speech before the assembled donors at Saint Hill.
Didn't he already win every Nobel Prize since Hubbard died?
Who the heck is Abiy Ahmed and what did he do that is more important than the glorious work done under the leadership of David Miscavige?

Will he or won't he?
20191007 1221

Only four days to go to the big IAS meeting, where Sea Org captain David Miscavige will address the upstat benefactors of Scientology's many donation drives.
The only question is whether he will appear in England in person, or on a giant video screen from a secure location. If he appears in person, he could be served with a court summons in one of several pending US civil lawsuits. This would be done by a hired UK legal agent.
Miscavige's lawyers may be working behind the scenes to bring in "area control" in the UK. Since the legal and political system in all countries respects power and money, this may well work.
20191013 1346
Proprietor (me) said:
As we now know, he did indeed grace the stage with his magnificent presence.

The annual IAS meeting will be held starting on Friday, October 11th, 2019.

20191006 1149

It will be very interesting to see if David Miscavige, the head of the Sea Org, will appear in person in England in a week. Rumors have swirled he will only address the crowd by video screen from an undisclosed location. We'll have to wait and see.
(see previous post)

The International Association of Scientologists (IAS) 35th anniversary celebration at Saint Hill, England.

20191006 1143

Overview of the coming events in England. Get your tickets at the links.


Seating options available:
* Premier - $1000
* First Tier - $800
* Second Tier - $600

FRIDAY, OCT 11th, 2019
* Live Event:
An overview of public relations and major donor successes of the past year. Emphasis is expected on the new South African Advanced Org, and high-profile groups expanding their member-funded PR activities. Major segment about Volunteer Ministers in the Bahamas.

SATURDAY, OCT 12th, 2019
* IAS Seminar:
Preparations for the fundraising activities of the coming year. Emphasis expected on new donation drives to expand activities exponentially, by opening all remaining Ideal Orgs at once. This will allow all Scientologists to exponentially increase the scope of their donation range, by paying to help build Ideal Orgs in many countries worldwide.
* Patrons Ball:
Celebrating donors who have advanced in Status by donating money to various Scientology organizations, but through the IAS.

SUNDAY, OCT 13th, 2019
* Charity Concert:
A major fundraising event for the "local community".
20191006 1145
Data protection/privacy:
The data you provide will be held in a secure database of IAS Administrations in Los Angeles. The data will be used for IAS membership administration purposes and to keep you informed of activities, offers and services of the Church of Scientology, and to send you membership-related mailings. By filling out and signing this form, you agree to the transfer of the data to IAS Administrations in the USA and to the passing of any of these data to those entities belonging to the Church of Scientology, who are commissioned to perform the request for information about Scientology on behalf of IASA, for the above purposes. Your information is never disclosed to anyone outside IAS Administrations and the worldwide Church and its associated entities.

The head of the Sea Org has made a donation!

20191006 1128 posted:

It's for hurricane relief in the Bahamas, just off the Florida coast:
---- 20191006
Active links are better:

blog address

20191005 afternoon - 2nd post:
October 05, 2019
Our current blog address is:

Welcome to Sea Org central
20191005 afternoon - first post:
October 05, 2019
This blog was created on October 5, 2019.
Our subject matter will be: The Sea Org.

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