WWDK malism blogs

In defense of Jared Lee Loughner's Arizona shooting spree of congressperson Giffords and 18 others


As already explained, I disapprove of the type of random mass-killings that occasionally happen in the 'gun crazy' USA, with school shootings being a special case.

Such violence happens elsewhere too, but often isn't reported.
In China, guns are strictly controlled, so over there the worst losers use knives to attack kindergartners: they're the only ones who can't defend themselves.

Such events are extremely shocking but inevitable.
As an experienced fringe explorer, I understand marginal individuals better than the mainstream media. Loughner wasn't even that far gone compared to some stewing nutcases, but the scariest ones are usually not the most dangerous.

Inevitably, a small minority of chronic losers will act out their frustrations. The only surprise is that it doesn't happen more often.

In his words:
"I'm saddened with the current currency and job employment. I had a bully at school."
I'm saddened with the current and future job employment too.

Just because Jared Loughner was insane doesn't mean he wasn't right to be mad as hell. He wasn't right to act out on his emotions, though. Had I been at the scene (carrying a sign protesting Giffords's voting record), I would have done what I could to stop him while running away as fast as possible.
Surprise: the world actually is as evil as Jared claimed it to be!
He only had a dim understanding of the deep problems, but could feel the effects in his daily life.
I was born desperate, and based on the number of times I've been pulled over, I think the cops can tell something is off.

The world has been made evil in too many mind-numbing ways by those with power.
Reality is a web of lies that almost no one dares to question. Most refuse to see this truth; for the lucky ones, it isn't even true.
The world is like a game of musical chairs.

For example: thanks to our unspoken gender imbalance, many of the least attractive men have to stay single. The romantic opportunities go to dominant 'alpha males'. Even in the richest country, jobs are hard to get and keep for the most marginal individuals. Because they don't have employment references, bureaucratic certificates, or social skills, thousands become homeless.

This is a deliberate policy.
Bureaucratic regulations could be simplified, making it easier to hire people. It could be possible even for losers to support themselves with sub-minimum wage jobs to afford tiny mobile homes.
In return for receiving welfare, beneficiaries might have to get reversibly sterilized. I would volunteer to test the procedure.

None of this is permitted thanks to politicians like Giffords. Instead, her inefficient healthcare mandate will add even more bureaucratic hurdles and transaction costs.

President Obama said that "such a senseless and terrible act of violence has no place in a free society". I would sure like to live in a free society.
The world exists for the convenience, pleasure, and comfort of successful people.

Sometimes (almost never) the losers will fight back.
I admit that when this happens I don't feel bad at all.

UPDATE (a few months later):

I've carefully thought things over, and I can no longer stand behind this column. Both its message and its tone are inappropriate.
The problem is that the world is so much MORE evil than I was able to articulate just a few short months ago (and deliberately kept so by the near-unanimous consent and acclamation of the masses) that these words are hopelessly inadequate to describe the utter contempt and hatred that it deserves.

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