The Resistance

Malism: beyond nihilism

First, an apology: there's not enough hate in these columns (still enough to get banned by LessWrong though).
We couldn't fit it all in.
They weren't really about hate anyway.
The reason for every venomous screed and invective-filled rant posted here is desperation.

They're also about what desperation can sometimes lead to: the desire to resist; perhaps the willingness to resist; who knows, maybe even the desire to get even.
Some of these truths are politically incorrect, others have barely been spoken out loud.
In the days before the alt-right and since then, they were meant for outsiders and the alienated, those few individuals who realized that other people are fundamentally different in one way: they tolerate evil to an extent that transcends comprehension.

Malism is political.
It is the absolute earned hatred of human institutions.
It's not hate for human nature (extremely depressing), the natural world (abject despair) or the omniverse (unbound horror).
These are different subjects. Short version: all is lost. Not because it's too hard to create a good world, but because it's too easy to create a bad one.

These columns are not about concentration camps and torture dungeons.
Malism is about lesser problems that could be solved, but probably won't be, all the infuriations that define human existence.
Microsoft software alone (and the public tolerance of its flaws) justifies every insult ten trillion times over. Unfortunately open source software is even worse.

It's about the triumph of lies.
You cannot bargain with evil. It could only be defeated, but apparently won't be. That is the story of the world.

Often it makes sense to blame the 'victims'. I don't criticize increases in inter-ethnic violence (an emergent behavior), but mainstream media cover-ups.

Anyone who is offended should look around instead. This column is not the problem. Conventional propriety should be forgotten.
A good place to start is the labor market, a scene of lifelong mauling by the forces of conformist subjugation - at least that is the outsider perspective.
Work is hell, but there are worse things than constant low-grade stress: constant high-grade stress.
Half of all people are born only to survive, living on a few dollars a day, consuming exactly as much as they produce (the solution is at the end of this column).

The world is not evil for everybody, or even for most people.
While the 'elite' may consider average individuals stupid, they are also surprisingly cunning. They can navigate dense jungles of bureaucracy and control without complaint.

Every economic problem exists by choice. This includes poverty, famine, homelessness, and every recession.
Usually the choice is made by powerful interest groups trying to keep their privileges.
The wealthy benefit from overpopulation and Third World immigration, but they couldn't do it without the consent of the masses.

The USA is a fascist state in the best sense of the word.
While better than almost any nation, it's still a bad place for marginal persons.
Theoretically we could all become wealthy after a painful transition decade. There is enormous unused capacity.

Sadly, most people need pain in their lives to balance their worries and fears.
Permanent stress is the only thing that can overcome their fear of oblivion.
Poverty and apathy are best buddies.
Most evil is of the second type, less obvious and more respectable than blatant violence.

However, social indifference tends to feed on itself.
The clearest sign is the falling birthrate in the West.
A simple explanation is that humans are becoming obsolete. Most current jobs could already be eliminated, while few new ones are being created. Obsolete things tend to be disposed of.

Arguably, the greatest shock about progress is that we are not getting any smarter (see the Star Trek reboots).
The culture is getting glitzier, more dramatic, perhaps more literary.
One thing hasn't changed: there usually is a villain to blame.

This is a good time to discuss the rules of malism:

  • Hate has to be earned.

    This is serious business.
    Don't attack anybody until they deserve it.
    That's why racism is bad: not because there aren't innate differences between races (in attitude and intelligence), but because it's evil to punish someone who hasn't injured you yet. They don't even do that in the tribal badlands of Waziristan.
    Racism might be somewhat understandable for someone who knows the mainstream media is deliberately deceptive.
    While they are extremely biased, they rarely venture into conscious lies.
    Even so, the world is evil because the majority agrees their portion of it should be evil, and accepts the evil of the other portions.

    The most popular ways to fight evil are themselves evil.
    Don't criticize silly things (there's no time), only worthy villains. There should be no casual attacks.
    No one should lower themselves to the level of what they hate. Don't respond to a positive gesture with a negative one. Hate is too valuable to be cheapened like that.
    Just because someone is evil doesn't mean they should be punished. Only their actions can earn that fate.
    Evil should be countered, not multiplied.

  • There are no good guys.

    Never underestimate evil. It's easier to presume that any criticism is true.
    Everyone is guilty in some way. Nothing wrong with that.
    I'm one of the few good guys, but to be on the safe side assume I'm the worst of all.
    For example: would I crash my car into oncoming traffic to fight back if I was carjacked? Are you kidding??
    Surprisingly, someone who really hates all races isn't necessarily nicer than someone who only hates other races.
    I'm right about these complaints, but ineffective about publicizing them.
    Fortunately, I don't have any power. Let's keep it that way (unless there is a planetary emergency requiring extreme specialist skills).

    On that note, while it is time to complain about the many evils committed by blacks, they are overshadowed by much more baffling white evils.
    This is a taboo subject, so I have to be careful what I say. I will try to put it as delicately as possible.
    By dint of superior numbers, whites and Asians could change the behavior of blacks if they wanted to. They do not.
    They could encourage at least some blacks to become 'nerd-like' (my unrealistic suggestion) or 'bourgeois' (Derbyshire's better suggestion).
    Perhaps blacks are less susceptible to the type of elaborate delusion-chains necessary to maintain complex civilizations. Perhaps they're not scared enough of long-term threats.

    In the past, whites were guilty of inexplicable evils like universal segregation. However, they can change.
    It's good to remember that before he became the exact opposite, Martin Luther King was considered very politically incorrect.
    Today's mainstream whites are crazy in a new way: the madness of conformist diversity.

    There are plenty of possible solutions for the problems mentioned in this and the other columns (useless as writing about them may be).
    There already is a simple (if impractical) treatment for most mental problems. It's called pain.
    If it were possible to trigger an electric shock whenever someone had an unwanted or inappropriate thought, these thoughts would stop almost at once.
    In fact, merely the threat of pain could be enough.

    So far, pain has only been used as a social control tool, not a route to self-improvement.
    Pain can only be applied in ways the majority deems acceptable, not in the most useful ways.
    For example, single mothers-to-be should be pressured to use birth control (up to abortion), instead of relying on tax-funded welfare.
    Of course such a change would be even harder to realize than abolishing corporate welfare, and that's saying a lot.

    The solution to racism is even simpler.
    It's the same as the solution to most other human problems: divide mankind into more categories.
    Encourage objectively similar people to cooperate, while identifying and monitoring the most dangerous people.

    None of this will happen. No one is waiting for clever ideas.
    Politics exists on an emotional level, as certain as the fact that congressmen will have to pretend to worship Jesus, Yahweh, or Allah to get elected.

    The most sensitive individuals tend to be the most upset about injustices in their portions of the world.
    Their anguish actually comes from underestimating evil: they half-believe something could be done about it.
    They are unable to open the escape hatch of righteous fury leading to freedom.

    The alternative would be to become a liberal, a fate worse than death.
    Fundamentally, liberals are acceptors. I'm a rejector. It's an artificial but elemental division.

    Sometimes, rejection may lead to resistance.
    How can anyone fight back against the immense accumulation of evil in society?
    The first step is to give up.
    Stop caring about things you can't control, the whole cantankerous edifice of society that exists for its own benefit.

    Few have the courage. It's an entirely new state of being.
    In that moment, some people find unexpected freedom. For the first time the world makes sense.
    This is especially true for brainwashing victims and dissidents in insidious totalitarian states like North Korea, Uzbekistan, and China.

    Evil will never stop probing deeper levels of intrusion.
    It thrives in the absence of anger.
    Anger beats tolerance.
    Change can only come from struggle bordering on violence. That can only happen if some individuals are willing to pay an unreasonable price.

    Accepting that the world is evil by design and intent, they must make resistance their priority.
    Reject the world as it is and always has been, totally and absolutely.
    Then realize you have to do it all by yourself.

    Even if you're one of the few people who agrees with me, stop agreeing now.
    Everyone is profoundly different in their values and hidden assumptions.
    Everyone stands alone.
    This insight ultimately makes it easier to get along with others.

    Evil people only matter when they have power. This requires deception.
    How can one resist a society imposing its orthodox control delusions from day one of public school?
    Do it where it hurts the most, at the very heart of its smug worldview.
    Contempt where contempt would be most unthinkable.

    An idea comes to mind.
    In Europe and the USA, the elites have long ago surrendered to the rise of Islam.
    The few holdouts who haven't are widely condemned, and appear headed for defeat. Nothing critical can be said of the cultural subjugation in polite company.

    Symptoms include cartoon controversies, the banning of critical documentaries, state-subsidized polygamy, criminal attacks and riots in which the perpetrators are identified as 'youths', no-go areas, genital mutilation, the smashing of idols from other religions, and occasional murders.
    The elites can't resist such an all-encompassing ideology, one that brooks no dissent. Or someone might start resisting them.

    To be fair, the PC-media are much worse than the movement to unite the world under Sharia. Christians and Jews wouldn't even be forced to convert, but would have to pay a tax.
    Muslim guest workers were brought to Europe from the 1960s to provide votes and make wealthy businessmen wealthier.
    The immigrants' motives are at least understandable. According to their beliefs it would be evil not to try to change society, unlike the university-educated, well-compensated, left-leaning, diversity-celebrating, one-world symbol manipulators who set the cultural tone.
    It's like comparing strangers to aliens. I don't hate radical Islamists any more than wolves.

    Admittedly, it's much cooler to have many races in one society, and potentially safer. Left to their own devices, whites can sometimes get out of control.
    However, multiculturalism as currently executed is replacing Western civilization with something even worse.

    It pains me immensely to write the following words. I have tears in my eyes as I do so.
    The effects of Anders Breivik's massacre in Norway will likely be positive.
    The young socialists whom he murdered would have continued to carry out an evil program of absolute tolerance. No amount of logic or emotion could have stopped them. These Nordic appeasers were quite literally unpersuadable.

    That doesn't mean it was an understandable attack. It's like if God ordered you to stab your baby or else he would destroy the world.
    If you're the kind of person who can do that, even though it would be the right thing to do, you would have to be deviant, hardhearted, psychopathic, or insane (Anders was the first).
    How can I say these things?
    Very easily. It helps to be 100% right.

    Surprisingly, the craven appeasement of our liberal-totalitarian overseers could be used against them, though almost no one has dared try it.
    It might be someone enslaved by the legal system - a man forced to pay extortionate child support for offspring that aren't even his, or some other outrage without end.
    Every day a thousand such people are created in the USA alone.
    If only one of these persons could find the courage to act up. An extremely long shot, I know.

    The best way to fight the System is to legally annoy it. That's how you get the politicians' attention.
    He could desecrate Korans he purchased or printed himself, join funeral protesters uninvited with his own insulting signs, encourage online heresies, start real and fake movements of like-minded outsiders, disrupt delicate negotiations, start radical political movements, and generally make a nihilist nuisance of himself, and other things.

    Any reasonable demands he might have would never be met (the legal system doesn't work that way), so what would he have to lose?
    At best, the authorities would become terrified that Islamists would respond with apocalyptic terrorism.

    Shock tactics are useful in other ways.
    They set an example for meek people. They don't owe their cultural and political masters anything, least of all respect.

    Rage is a wonderful thing.
    It's the only thing that could drive the fight for entitlement reform (i.e. default).
    As society is slowly crushed under unbearable pension and healthcare taxes, a few workers just may start to resist the burden of open-ended debt slavery.
    Stranger things have happened. Well, maybe not.

    The first political goal might be something simple, like the above-mentioned gentle suggestion to put anyone requesting government assistance on birth control (painless, no-cost IUD or vasectomy, etc).
    I might be first in line. Poverty shouldn't perpetuate itself.
    Why should single taxpayers (including virgins) support others' procreation if they were not involved with the insemination process?

    Also abolish intellectual property rights and find ways to confiscate unfair income (if there's no doubt it was unfairly earned).

    Unfortunately, I'm the smallest minority in the most politically correct age.
    All restraints are mental.
    The ideas in this column need to spread, but that would take courage.
    Courage can only come from clearly understanding the threat, and deciding it would be more frightening not to resist.

    Someone setting out on this course must decide: are they really angry?
    Furious? Livid? Swooning with rage?
    If you feel even a tinge of doubt, the nagging notion that you have gone too far and are about to do something regrettable, immediately double your rage. No, TRIPLE it.

    The world is evil because of evil decisions perpetuated at every level.
    In an evil world, evil is the only certainty. Submission is the lubricant.
    A few people need to do the simplest thing: to see things as they really are.
    Then they may find the strength to break their ghostly chains and reject reality.
    That may be too much to ask for. Do it anyway. Or just hate more.

    I urge someone to show the bastards in charge the utter contempt they deserve, to laugh at their pieties.
    The goal is to create maximum social disruption without breaking any laws. Well, maybe intellectual property laws.
    Insulting evil people is fun, if you can get away with it.
    Above all, getting even feels good, so do it more.

    The first target?
    Anyone who can't be made fun of.
    The first action?
    I don't know. You do. Stop being afraid

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